Monday, September 24, 2012


To wrap up a pretty amazing summer, we decided to take a fun-filled trip back to the US for some much needed time with family and friends, and to celebrate Uncle Timmy and Aunt Emily's wedding! We spent three weeks in the US with stops in Queens, the Hamptons, Connecticut, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Whoa! Now for the highlights...

We started the trip with a few days of fun and sun in the Hamptons...

Madeline and Jack were awesome big cousins...playing playdough over and over and over again!
Happy Belated Birthday to Grammy! Aunt Julie found a delicious cake!

We started the day off with Aunt Julie's pancakes (and Jack's shenanigans) nearly every day!
And then headed to the beach!

Aunt Julie and Nana enjoying the sunset 
Riley and Jack enjoyed it too!

We got to jump the waves with Uncle Billy and Hanni
And play with Uncle Joey (We like this one even though it's blurry!)
After the Hamptons it was back to Grammy's for a visit before we headed to CT for Uncle Timmy and Aunt Emily's wedding! The girls survived the rehearsal dinner and made beautiful little flower girls.
Wondering what's with lyla's face?

Very cool Mets cake!

Aunt Craig and Uncle Karen

I love this one!

Gramps and Uncle Richie

Stickers always keep Lyla entertained!

Giggles with GG!

Going to the chapel

Best flowergirls an uncle could ask for!

Lyla with her Gramps

Riley is ready!

Congratulations to the newest Mr & Mrs Schmidt!
After CT, it was off to Baltimore for a few days with friends...complete with sleepover parties, bbqs and MD crabs!

Watch your toes!

Ready for some fun!

Brave boys!

Summer & Elena

Tina & Alec

Riley & Natalie
Next it was off to Hershey Park on our way to the Poconos!

Lyla LOVED the rides!

Riley and Lyla with Alex and Claire

She finds fun everywhere she goes!
The Poconos were filled with adventures in the lake and at the Crayola Factory. Both girls got very comfortable in the water and Riley passed the deep end swim test!

Happy Belated Birthday to GG!

Bubble Gun!

At the Crayola Factory

Painting with GG

Aunt Karen & Lyla
Then it was bye bye to PA and back to NY for the final leg of our trip!

Riley with cutie pie Vivienne

Viv tolerated one more pic before naptime!
Mommy & Daddy got to spend some time with Santino and new baby Jolene (Since we have no photo evidence, Mommy stole this picture)

Hanging in the hot tub...with her painted nails and newly pierced ears!

Snuggles with Grammy

Bella with her dress up from the wig!

Logan gets a visit with Uncle Wayne & Lyla

Back in the Hamptons for one more beach day!

Family photo!

Pop Pop and Riley
What a fun trip! It was so great to see everyone & spend time together! Can't wait until the next visit!