Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to School!

We've been settling into our new home and wanted to share some updates and photos. Our car arrived in the UK last Thursday and we have been driving all around since then! We drove about 90 minutes to the nearest base on Friday, which was a gorgeous drive! The girls were supposed to nap but couldn't because they were too busy pointing out the many cows, sheep, horses and beautiful "tree tunnels". It's absolutely gorgeous how the trees here form shady tunnels over the roads! It was a beautiful roadtrip and Daddy did a great job driving on the "other" (not wrong!) side of the road! We went to a Back to School Disco Party at the pub by our house on Friday night and had a wonderful time introducing Daddy to some friends Mommy, Riley & Lyla met through our sponsors. Everyone had lots of fun...what a great kickoff for the weekend!

On Saturday, we decided to head over to Stroud for a beautiful Farmer's Market. It was great to get to see more of the countryside of the ride over and pick up fresh fruit, veggies, meat and eggs! Riley was very confused because the Farmer's Market wasn't under the highway (like in Baltimore) but instead in the city streets with a great view of the hills behind the city.

We got some bright purple cauliflower and are trying to make purple soup tonight--wish us luck!

Riley went to Isabella's birthday party on Sunday at a pottery place. She made a beautiful decopatch cat and learned alot about British birthday parties! At children's parties here, guests sing Happy Birthday but don't eat cake. Instead, the cake is sent home in the goody bag. Needless to say, Riley was pretty disappointed! Presents are also never opened during the party. While Riley wasn't convinced about these customs, the party was still a huge success!

Scarlett, Isabella and Riley

Daddy had a day off from work for Labor Day and we made the most of the long weekend by visiting a wonderful Pick Your Own farm! The girls picked strawberries, raspberries and blackberries and ate their way through the farm!

And now...the moment we've all been waiting for! ( : Yesterday was Riley's first day of school. She woke up at 5 am because she was too excited to sleep. Dropping her off was hard and she looked a little scared but when Mommy and Lyla picked her up, she didn't want to leave! Upon closer inspection, her dress was all misbuttoned, a result of a quick change after gym class. ( : Riley "loves" her teacher and her classmates...she has 11 kids in her class with only 3 girls! Riley really likes a girl named Lily and said everyone was very nice. They have a very extravagant lunch menu and we reviewed it and discussed what Riley would like (sausage balls or vegetable pasta) but she said she had a "biscuity thing with something inside that was disgusting" (I think she picked the salmon quiche). She said she tried it but ate her vegetables and brownie. Mrs. Phillips told Mommy that Riley had a great day and was "very switched on". I looked this up and it means alert and intelligent. Ha! Hopefully Urban Dictionary is correct! I've been doing lots of looking up words lately. Apparently they were talking about school and Riley shared with the class that the most important thing is to never give up. The teacher thought she was too cute! Riley "had a go" at writing in her journal and her teacher said she was very tidy and organized. Today at drop off, Lyla and I barely got a wave good-bye. I think Riley was just happy to be there after the mile and a half walk!

While Riley was at school, Mommy and Lyla went to our first toddler group session. Lyla was a little overwhelmed and tired but enjoyed it. I have learned that she is a "minx", which means a cheeky or mischievous little girl. She was able to play with lots of toys and other kids, make a little shapes craft (we had to remind her that glue sticks are not the same as sunscreen sticks!), eat a snack (biscuit & squash= cookie & juice), and sing some songs! There are lots of new songs here and lots of the ones we know are a little bit different. It was very fun and we can't wait to go back next Tuesday! We may try another toddler group tomorrow at a church near our house.

Lyla's Masterpiece
Hope everything is going well back home! Can't wait to hear about everyone's Labor Day weekends and first days of school!


  1. Whew, you've been busy :). Where was the pick your own farm? Thanks for sharing!

  2. Those blackberries looked fabulous--I bet the girls have enjoyed eating them! Sounds like you guys have been busy, busy, busy. So glad to hear that Riley likes school and of course she is "switched on!" Lyla's masterpiece is gorgeous, maybe it should be framed and hung! Give my girls a big hug and kiss for me.
