Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pictures Galore!

A quick post to wish everyone an early Happy Halloween and share some recent photos. Riley is on half-term break and we have been keeping busy with pumpkin picking, horseback riding lessons, playdates and, most recently, a Halloween party! As you can tell from the pictures, both girls have been doing lots of playing and are really enjoying their time together! Riley finished up school on a high note, with a great Parent Teacher Conference and two more certificates (one for excellent reading and one for great behavior)! She has definitely earned this break! Lyla is learning more words every day and has been a good girl too...even though she still will not stay in the creche (childcare) during Mommy's Tuesday morning class! Last night the girls had a babysitter so Mommy & Daddy could go to dinner and both stayed up until we got home at 10:15 eating snacks and doing puppet shows! We leave on Saturday for Scotland...we can't wait! We've had GREAT weather here...pray for the same in Scotland!


Wild hair after the bath!

Giving Riley's shoe a ride!

Lyla LOVES to have tea parties!

Lounging with every blanket we could find!

At the pumpkin farm with Owen, Charlie & Chloe

The pumpkin patch had a GIANT inflatable slide!

Picking her pumpkin with a little help from a random puppy!

Horseback riding we come!

Lyla had to wear her wellies too!

I was in charge of Lyla and Chloe during the lesson...spent the 90 minutes feeding them,chasing them & playing referee!

Didn't get many pictures of Riley riding but she did great! She even got the horse to trot!

Lyla riding in her shopping cart (and pulling off my tablecloth)!

Spooky bananas!
The Lion Tamer/Ring Master

The Lion and the Tamer

Training Lyla!

Fancy Face Paint!
Riley & Isabella

Lyla tested out every toy there. Here she is playing cars with Eleanor.
And drawing with Adam.

Wardrobe change for Lyla!