Saturday, October 13, 2012

Back to School!

It's that time of the year again! Lazy evenings of strolling have turned to dark dashes indoors, sandals have been cast away in favor of wool socks and boots, and the kids have headed back to school. But, in addition to fall's predictable entrance,  this year marks a big change in our house. Why? Because Lyla has now joined the ranks of school-children across the globe and, donning the ever-popular neon Dora backpack, headed to nursery three mornings a week at our local playgroup. Check out that smile!

Lyla's first day of school

And, just like the that, Lyla is now a "big girl." She cried the first day and made me stay awhile, but now, each morning, she directs me to stay for "two minutes". So, every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9:30, she bids me good-bye and heads off intently into the classroom to find her name, which moves around the stage and is where she stores her backpack, her water bottle and her jacket while she's busy playing.  Then it's onto the rug for the "register" (aka attendance taking), after which the kids are off to play. At this point, I get another hug and kiss and a directive, such as "You can go shopping and buy me Peppa Pig yogurt" or "I want bananas for lunch" and am allowed to leave. She is quick to tell everyone that "Mommy is going shopping but she comes back" and is excited to see me at pick-up, even though most other kids stay through the afternoon and are getting ready for lunch. Everyday she tells me she had a good day and tells all me all about her friends and what they played. It seems that everything is going well, although one day she did announce that they had to throw out the playdough because she put it on the floor ("but I was making roads!"). The teachers said she is very helpful and likes to take care of her friends. ( : She loves picking out her outfits every morning...and then asks that I take her picture. What a ham!

Looking sharp

Rocking her sparkly boots!

Riley has also started a new school year, this time in Year Two (1st grade age equivalent in the US). She is still in the Pre-Prep portion of the school, which ranges from nursery (3 year olds) to Year Two so she is now the big man on campus and is loving it! She has started taking violin lessons at school, in addition to Speech & Drama, Modern, Ballet and chorus. Those are all special, add-on components to the basic curriculum, which includes swimming, french, PE, art and music (recorder). She is a busy, busy girl!

Riley's first day of Year Two
Riley loves getting Deputy Head stickers when she has a great day at school!

Riley has also had several special events at school this year, including a field trip on a steam train to learn about the Victorians (you can read more about it here) and a Harvest Festival, where she performed with her classmates (check it out here).

Riley's been learning all about the Victorians

Posing with her classmates

But, believe it or not, going to school has not detracted from our fun! We have found that Lyla loves to get together with her friends on her days off and the weekends are more exciting than ever! We have found time for playdates, visits to the farm with Lyla and her friends, trips to the park, birthday parties and even a short hike.

Lyla and Chloe at the Farm Park

Celebrating Ben's 3rd Birthday!
Riley and Owen on a walk on Leckhampton Hill

Lyla and Chloe checking out the views
Dressed up for Chloe's 3rd Birthday Party
Enjoying one last warm day for Lucas' 3rd Birthday Party

Button up your coats, break out the apple cider and enjoy fall!

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