Thursday, January 24, 2013

Turning 3!

Our lovely Lyla turned 3 on January 3rd. I was very sad to have to say good-bye to "tooth and a half" but Lyla is quite excited and reminds us regularly that she is getting bigger and bigger. We spent her birthday playing with our new Christmas toys with friends and had dinner at TGI Friday's at the girls' request. Lyla requested we go there because of "the funny man" who is a borderline annoying waiter who the girls find hysterical. He blows a horn in your ear, sits on your lap, sneaks up on you and makes balloon animals. Who could ask for anything more? He did come through with a special Happy Birthday song for Lyla, during which she remained very serious, staring at the candle and waiting patiently to blow it out. This is serious business, this birthday thing!!!

One advantage of not getting to see everyone for your birthday? People mail you presents and you get to open them during birthday breakfast! It's like Christmas Part II!

We celebrate birthdays with ice cream for wonder they're smiling!

TFI Fridays in England...a little taste of home!
Lyla had a birthday party with her little friends after Riley and the other big siblings returned back to school (much to Riley's dismay). Lyla's only request was a"blue party" so we had her friends over for breakfast in their pjs and Lyla sported a fancy new pair of blue princess pjs (complete with tutu). The kids had fun playing and eating and being together....3 year olds are definitely easy to please!

She remains serious during the singing

Best friends


These two snuck away during the party and this is where we found them

Ben and Ethan hamming it up!

Max got the blue party memo ( :

Aurelia loved eating the Fruit Loops off her necklace...until the girls started feeding them to her super fast and her cheeks filled up like a chipmunk!

Rufus making a necklace

Kate didn't want to wear pjs but did try out all of the toys in the playroom!

Even Baby Elena joined in on the fun!
Happy happy birthday to Lyla, the funniest and sweetest three year old around! She had a fabulous time celebrating with all of friends and playing with all of her new presents! She now tells everyone that she's "tree" and is very proud that she can now go to "big girl school" at Riley's school. And how cute is she in that uniform?

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