Friday, May 24, 2013

Visit to NY

Lyla and I took a quick trip to NY and left Wayne and Riley in England to fend for themselves. They survived but were pretty jealous! Here are some pics from the trip! We miss you all!

Sliding with Grammy!

Lyla loved reading to Vivienne!
Lounging with Baby Tino

Cutie pie Jo Jo

Playing with chalk

Lyla and cousin Madeline

Posing with Grammy

GG's a good pusher!

Smiles with GG!

All smiles with Grammy!
Uncle Craig and Keegan

We got to meet Baby Keegan! Lyla is hiding behind Aunt Karen but she got lots of time with the cutie pie!

Lyla and Bella enjoying the sunshine
Lyla went to Adventureland and smiled for Pop Pop

Reading to Uncle Billy and Hani
We had a super fun visit and can't wait to come back with Daddy and Riley!

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