Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fall Visitors!

This fall we were lucky enough to welcome many visitors! Wayne's Aunt Alice and Uncle Barry were our first set of visitors in late September. We had tons of fun showing them around the Cotswolds before they headed off to explore London on their own. We took them shopping in Bourton on the Water, to a festival at Cardiff Castle, explored Gloucester Cathedral and checked out Riley's first Prep School swim meet and Lyla's Harvest Festival. It was a whirlwind week full of sightseeing, games and laughter!

Visiting Cardiff Castle

Learning about insects

Tractors old and new

More tractors


Lyla loved the animals!

Getting personal

Uncle Barry enjoyed dinner at Zizzi's, which is located in an old church in Cheltenham

Uncle Barry and Aunt Alice in Bourton on the Water

Aunt Alice and Uncle Barry babysat so we could go to the NFL game in London. Thanks!
Next up it was a visit from Chris and Regan, friends of ours from MD who now live in Indiana. They left their three kids at home and joined us for some yummy dinners, Riley's first hockey match and a fun night away at a beer festival (thanks to our good friend Neda who watched the girls!)

At a pub in Nottingham 

So many ales to try

Wayne's selfie
It was so nice to have friends and family visit and the weather even (mostly) cooperated! Next up it was time to host my parents, who visited us for a week before we all headed off on a cruise of France and Spain. Stay tuned for details and pics!

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