Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Netherlands: Kinderdijk

It was time to leave Belgium, but our adventure wasn't over! Next stop...the Netherlands! We were visiting over Easter and had trouble finding an affordable apartment in Amsterdam, so we decided to stay at a hotel in Leiden instead. It actually worked out really well because we were not far from the Keukenhof Gardens (just wait until you see those pics!) and close enough to Amsterdam to easily visit for the day. On the way to our hotel, we decided to stop in Kinderdijk, a UNESCO World Heritage Sight , where you can view 19 windmills that were built around 1740. Kinderdijk was a nice place to stop and stretch our legs, but did not live up to the hype for me. Maybe it was because it was cold and raining on and off? It was nice to walk along the water and go inside a working windmill where a family used to sleep but it was so crowded with tourists that it was a bit hard to appreciate. My advice? Stop at Kinderdijk if it is not far our of your way or if it's a beautiful day. It makes for some fun pictures! Enjoy!

The girls posing with two of the windmills

Daddy had to duck to get inside the windmill. 

Taking a rest on the bed under the rafters. Doesn't look very comfy!

Looks a little comfier

The sun came out for a little while.

But it was still very windy!

I love this picture...just strolling with her dad through Holland

Daddy and his girls

We spotted these adorable baby ducks on the way to find Lyla a toilet. Zoom in...there are so many of them!!

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