Friday, September 23, 2011

Making Friends!

We've been hard at work in the Schmidt house (tehe) making new friends--American expats & Brits alike! Riley probably gets the award for being best at this... she is still loving school and even got an award for her fantastic start during Assembly.

Riley has been working very hard....we are so proud of her! She is officially reading lots of books and doing addition and subtraction during Minute Math. She's also taking French, Art, Music, Tennis, Swimming, PE and dance class. No wonder she's tired! She's been making friends while she goes, going to a swimming birthday party last weekend and already planning for the next one two weeks from now! She has her first spelling test today and has been continuing to wow us with her British accent! Yesterday she asked me what "sensibly" meant and, when I explained, asked why we have to act sensibly in the car door! I was confused for awhile until I realized she meant corridor! She is too darn cute! The only problem with school so far is that she eats the same thing for lunch every day--a Jacket Potato! They have a very elaborate lunch menu but she always seem to end up with this....Daddy's trying to talk her into trying some new things. She is also learning to eat British style--you have to use a knife and fork and hold the fork upside down. We haven't quite figured it out yet! It's getting colder here and she was very excited to model her Winter Uniform for everyone. Love the tie!

Lyla is doing pretty well herself at making friends--she's been taking on Cheltenham with her BFF, our American neighbor, Chloe. They have been going to Toddler Playgroup on Tuesdays and Lyla loves it! She is doing a good job interacting with the other kids and especially likes biscuit (cookie) time! ( : Last week, she got to paint a picture but she didn't really like to get her hands dirty. Regardless, it came out beautiful!

All ready for "school"!
Lyla and Chloe have been playing lots and getting along really well (most of the time!) Lyla has finally stopped calling her baby (she's older than Lyla) and now says "Oey, Oey, Oey!" Aren't they cute?

We visited a nearby park for a special train event with Chloe's family and the kids (and dads!) had fun riding the trains.

Lyla also went to Cotswold Farm Park with Chloe and an American boy called Ben (here they ask what you are called instead of what your name is. It's very confusing...the first time someone asked Riley what she was called at the park, she replied, "American!"). It was Ben's 2nd birthday and the kids had fun seeing the animals, riding the tractors and eating lunch and doughnuts! Lyla was petrified of a giant pig so we didn't get many pictures with animals, but here she is with her friends.

We've also had playdates with some other American toddlers (lots of boys!) and a British family that Wayne met through work. There's no shortage of playmates but Lyla can only talk about Chloe (she wakes up calling, "OOeeey!") She's really looking forward to Chloe's birthday party next weekend and more cake!

Mommy & Daddy are doing good too and are very excited to learn that we are getting our Household Goods (translation= all of our boxes & furniture) next week! There's lots of decorating to be done! Daddy has also tried out two new "sports" this week--Skittles & Snooker. Mommy thinks one is like duckpin bowling and one is like pool, but you'll have to ask Daddy for more details. Mommy is starting up a book club with some new friends (she misses her Anneslie "Book" Club) and is trying a new game called Bunco with some other Americans. Exciting! She has also been doing some shopping! Today she visited Gloucester with a friend and found some fun home accessories & last week she visited a mall in Bristol with another friend. We even got to see Wales on the way back after a wrong turn! We have learned that shopping is fun even when the exchange rate is terrible! Lyla has tolerated all of this shopping, as long as she is rewarded with  snacks. ( :

We have a busy weekend planned--a Happy Hour/Dinner at the pub with some other families & then Uncle Timmy & Emily are coming to visit tonight! We are very excited to show them around and are going to try to visit Puzzlewood in the Forest of Dean & the GB Wine & Cheese Festival. Stay tuned for pics and updates!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! You guys are really busy! I just finished booking our tickets for our excited! Gramps really surprised me on this---he can't wait!!
