Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Mayday! Mayday! Could you hear us yelling this mid-May after we almost drowned? This April was the wettest April on record here in England and the rain continued for the first half of May. A student was literally kayaking across the cricket field at Riley's school! And then, suddenly, in mid-May it turned GORGEOUS. Like 80 degree gorgeous! Unheard of here! The past two weeks have brought much appreciated sunshine, complete with adorable declarations by Lyla of "Mommy, it's not raining again!"

And so, rain or shine, May was full of days spent enjoying Spring!
Nice shades!


Checking it all out!

Feeding the ducks at Pittville Park

Cheering on Cheltenham Town, our local football team! (Riley made signs)

Happy Mother's Day with friends!

Feeding animals at the Cotswold Farm Park

Sheep shearing demonstration

Baby Chick!



Trying to chase the ducks!

Bouncy pillows

Lyla loves to go out "in the garden" (aka backyard)!

Add skipping rope to her list of talents!


Ready for the Queen's Jubilee party at Rainbows and Brownies!

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