Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Visiting Venice

Ciao! The girls recently had three weeks off from school for term break and we took full advantage of the their time off, visiting Venice and then coming back to England for a few days to recharge before making a second trip to Belgium and the Netherlands!

We flew to Venice from Gatwick and took the local boat bus from the airport, called the Alilaguna. I don't think Wayne believed me that there were literally no cars on the island at all until we actually arrived! We stayed in a beautiful two bedroom flat in the Castello neighborhood, with an awesome courtyard and several cats outside. The girls absolutely loved it! 

Venice was a refreshing trip because there's not an endless list of things to do so the fun is actually in strolling around and taking it all in. We had a great time exploring the area, shopping, eating and visiting local churches and playgrounds. We took lots of photos during the trip...enjoy!

Two cuties posing on a canal

Don't jump!

Too cute!

The girls loved their masks!

She caught a lion

Pretty kitty

The view from St Mark's

Lyla had way too much fun chasing pigeons in Venice! These nice people gave her crumbs and tried to convince her to be nice and feed them instead of chasing them. 

Rialto Bridge

Cutie on the Rialto Bridge

That view!

Another cutie on a bridge

Pasta takeout in Chinese food containers! If you go to Venice, go to Alfredo's

And go here for yummy gelato!

Riley showing off her pretty glass bracelet

I love these guys!

Favorite picture!

Another great view

Lyla was obsessed with this street performer

Another favorite!


Two goofballs!

Smiles in the square by our apartment

Who's ticklish?

We met up with our friends from England!

On a gondola!

Budding photographer

Riley took this one of us (and our gondolier)

Under a bridge

Lyla and the Rialto Bridge

Pretending to nap. What a joker!

Family shot!

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