Thursday, May 1, 2014


On Easter Sunday, we ventured out to spend the day in Amsterdam, which turned out to be very easy to get to from Leiden. We drove to a park and ride and took a bus into the city, which dropped us right by the train station. 

Daddy and Riley on the bus
 The weather turned out to be gorgeous so we walked and explored the city, stopping for some yummy food as we went. Mommy convinced everyone to try Winkel, which she remembered from her last visit and then the girls ran around a bit in a park. Riley and Daddy made a special visit to the Anne Frank Museum but we decided Lyla was a bit too young. Since I had already visited, Lyla and I found a nice gelato shop and a neighborhood park to play in while we waited. Riley really enjoyed the museum and purchased her own copy of Anne Frank's diary for her to read when she's a little older.

Lyla blew bubbles while we ate outdoors at Winkel.
Poor Riley had a headache but it was cured by some delicious appletart!
Appletart and mint tea!

Lyla was having fun on a playground

And Riley was smiling again!

Two happy girls

Happy Easter

Perfect backdrop

Lyla posing outside the Anne Frank Museum

Such a beautiful day!

Strolling the streets

A family portrait in Amsterdam

I am going to stay on this gorgeous street someday!

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