Friday, December 26, 2014

Happy Christmas 2014!

Merry Christmas everyone! This year, for our last Christmas in the UK, we decided to spend time here in Cheltenham as a foursome with a nice church service on Christmas Eve and a quiet dinner in on Christmas Day. While we really miss being around family, especially during the holidays, we made a point to cherish this time together with a quiet Christmas waking up in our own house. Next year will most certainly be a noisy, jolly Christmas full of love and laughter but this year was special for being just the opposite--quiet, peaceful and equally special in its own right! 

We had a great time picking out and decorating the perfect tree....I'd say this is the best one we've had here in Cheltenham! Nice and full but not too big! In addition to meeting Santa during our wonderful trip to Bluestone, we also ran into him in town and snapped an adorable picture of the girls all bundled up to visit the Cheltenham Christmas Market. We've shared a few highlights of our holiday season below.We hope you enjoy them! Wishing all of our friends and family a very Merry Christmas! Stay tuned for birthday updates soon....we have a very busy few weeks coming up in the Schmidt house!
The girls picked the perfect tree!

We saw Santa in Cheltenham

Looking good on Christmas Eve

Riley took this nice shot of everyone ready for church

Family selfie after church

Sprinkling reindeer dust to help the reindeer find their way!

One of our only pictures of Christmas morning...the girls were so happy to read the letter from Santa before they even opened their presents!

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