Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stitches & Houses & Spiders--Oh My!

So we may have missed the Baltimore earthquake but we've managed to find quite a bit of excitement here in Cheltenham! Wayne started work on Monday at 9 and was supposed to return home with the housing officer at 11 to pick us up and visit the home we wanted to rent. By 10:50 the girls were restless and we headed outside to the patio to anxiously await his arrival. Fast forward 2 minutes and Lyla is bleeding from the back of her head where she smashed it on the slate patio. Talk about a horrible, horrible feeling! No car, Riley panicking, and Lyla bleeding...what a sight for poor Wayne 5 minutes later! Riley ran out to greet him with "Hurry! Lyla is bleeding from her head and Mommy needs help!" Yikes! The cut actually stopped bleeding pretty quickly but looked kind-of scary. The housing officer suggested we visit the home quickly and then head to the A & E so they could check it out--her son had a similar injury and they sealed the wound from infection with liquid stitches.

We headed to the home and, while a little distracted, decided we LOVED it! Riley is very excited about the bidets and Mommy is very excited about the conservatory! We quickly signed our lease and headed to the A & E, which we were informed was three times more crowded than normal. Great! Eventually, our sponsor, Colleen, picked up Riley and dropped off snacks and books for Lyla, which really helped during the 3 hour wait! The hardest part was keeping the cut from reopening because Lyla was running around like a crazy person, oblivious to her injury, bumping her head as she went. She likes to head butt Mommy & Daddy when we pick her up against her will and that kept happening when she tried to repeatedly run out the front doors! Mommy asked about her boo boo and she showed off her mosquito bite so we suspected she was okay. ( : Eventually she was seen and got liquid stitches, which seem to be healing quite well.

Daddy returned to work to fill out housing paperwork and we are lucky enough to move into our house this Friday! Our stuff won't be here for a few more weeks but we will be issued loaner furniture from the base nearby. We can't wait to move in and post pics--the house looked even better than it did in the pics we had been sent and we're all very excited to get settled! Daddy even made friends with the landlord and may be joining him for some golf!

Since then we've been trying to keep Lyla from being too active, which is like trying to keep a fish away from water. The only quiet activity she enjoys is watching Bubble Guppies, which are not shown here so we had to download some episodes from itunes. ( :

She is still happy and smiling but is very difficult to manage in this cottage with no gates, especially with the winding staircase.

To keep her busy, we've broken open the boxes of toys we sent and, as you can see, both girls are hard at work.

We have spent the last few days touring the neighborhood around our new home with our sponsors and meeting some of their friends. Riley fit right in with the children here, making lots of new friends, and Lyla had fun chasing around the big kids. Mommy loved meeting some new British friends and may even join them out tonight for a pint! We have a pub right next door to our cottage with a big garden where the girls like to watch the locals play Skittles (a game that looks just like bocce).

We've tried out some local food including fantastic fish and chips, jacket potatoes and a children's drink called "squash". Riley has begun asking to use the loo, take out the rubbish and give Lyla her dummy (pacifier). She loves trying out the new words she is learning! The only thing Riley says she doesn't like about England is the abundance of spiders--we have tons around our cottage and found 2 GIGANTIC ones inside. We're not sure why the windows don't typically have screens but now Riley doesn't want any windows open so the spiders can't get in. Here was one web on our door this morning that the girls enjoyed looking at (since they spider was trapped on the other side of the glass!)

Colleen and her kids are away for a few days so we are on our own--wish us luck! Can't wait to move into our house on Friday & share pics!

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