Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tired Out!

Here is my family at 6:30 pm tonight.

And here they are at 6:45 pm.

Busy busy day! Lyla went to bed at 7:00 pm last night and Riley followed at 8:00. Wayne and I thought we had beat the time difference until Lyla woke up at 9:00 pm and Riley followed at 10:30. Oops! Both girls went back to bed at midnight and slept until Mommy woke them up at 8 am this morning. We had no time for naps today (although Lyla did lay down on our sponsors' couch from 5-6:15 and fall asleep) and apparently nobody (including Wayne!) can make it any longer!

Why so tired? Well...our wonderful sponsors picked us up at 9 am and the girls spent the day with Colleen and her kids (Isabella, 8; Quinn, 6; and Scarlett, 4) while Scott drove Wayne and I to the air force base to open bank accounts. It was about a 90 minute drive through some cute English towns and, while we were gone, the girls hiked, painted, jumped on the trampoline and played dress up. The family lives at the top of Cleeve Hill, where sheep graze freely and giant cows wander around.

Our city girls were amazed to see the sheep, cows and horses and had a fantastic time! Lyla tired herself out chasing around the family's German pointer while Riley made fast friends with Isabella. We stayed for dinner and had to lure Riley away with promises of future playdates! Riley was even invited to her first birthday party in the UK!

Everyone is really liking England so far and hasn't had much time to be sad or homesick! We are very, very lucky to have great sponsors who have made us feel so welcome and kept us occupied in these crazy first days! Cross your fingers that the girls sleep tonight and that tomorrow brings more fun adventures!

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