Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Super Sweet Six...

So they say six is the new sixteen, right? Ok...maybe not but it's still a pretty important milestone. Not convinced? Just ask Riley, who turned six on January 4th and hosted her very own pyjama party (that's the British spelling) for her entire grade! only turn 6 once, right?

The bash kicked off with some pretty amazing invitations....

Mommy didn't think to use the British spellings for pajama or favorite! Oops!

Riley looked adorable in her special birthday pjs (and Lyla looked pretty cute in her Peppa nightgown too!)

The kids made some super cute cereal necklaces (as modeled by Riley above) and fruit loops crafts and then it was time for the games! We played Hot Potato...had to expose all of Riley's friends to the American classics! They loved it!Then it was time for the races! We started with a Pillowcase Race, where kids jumped in a pillowcase like it was a potato sack, and then had a Pancake Relay, where kids raced back and forth with a pancake on a spatula. Too cute! Did I mention how cute they all looked in the favorite pjs? ( :

A sample of our rainbow cereal and marshmallow craft!

Pillowcase races!

See the pancake on the spatula?

It was a nailbiter!
Then we broke into the most fun part of all--Musical Pancakes!! Freeze Dance in the UK is called Musical Statues and Riley wanted to play Musical Pancakes, where you drop flat to the floor when the music stops. Simple enough but the kids LOVED it!

Strike a pose! 

We then feasted on buttermilk pancakes, prepared by Gramps, who worked hard in the kitchen to keep these kids happy! I was happy to see that everyone liked them...they're used to really thin pancakes here, which are more like crepes. We had oodles of toppings for the kids to try...most were very impressed by the chocolate chips since they don't really sell those here! Some Mums and Dads wanted to try American pancakes too! Yum!

After we ate, the kids listened to GG read a story about Monsters Under the Bed and drew their own monsters before eating some more! We realized too late that we had forgotten to bring a lighter but we sang and Riley pretended to blow out the candles on her cake. Oops!

Story time!

Cute book with printables to create the monsters in the story

Pretend the candles are lit!

She was happy anyway!
Then the party broke into sheer bedlam when the pinata came out. Apparently they don't really do them at parties here so kids were confused, we had a pinata malfunction and parents were arriving to pick up kids! Amidst the chaos, everyone got lots of treats and left happy and excited! Hooray for candy flying from the sky!

The kids still look confused...

They descend!!

Finding goodies!

Finally, we sent everyone off with a cute party favor!

Lyla snatched one up!

Mini American cereal box in a bowl with spoon and cow tag. We had to add the lollipop because Riley says goody bags are supposed to be sweet!

What a fun was a party she'll never forget! And, lest I forget, she got to celebrate on her actual birthday as well with a fun Gaston the Ladybird cake.

Happy 6th Birthday Riley! You are the most thoughtful, sweet and responsible six year old I know...who also happens to be energetic, enthusiastic and a ton of FUN to be around! We love you!


  1. this is the sweetest party for a little girl. what a great parent you are, shannon!!

  2. Wow, what a fabulous party :) Looks like Riley had a blast!
