Friday, March 2, 2012

Busy January!

In addition to all of our birthday celebrating, we also served as tour guides for GG and Gramps' three week trip to visit us during the month of January! We started out showing them London and then did a few day trips around Cheltenham, most notably to Broadway Tower, the panto in Bristol and Warwick Castle. We wanted to share a few pics of our adventures during their visit! What a fun time!

We opened Christmas presents from GG & Gramps on New Years Eve!

This picture makes me smile! ( :

Lyla had lots of boo boos this's her scratch turned black eye from Mommy's fingernail. ) :

We visited a few playgrounds, even though it was chilly!


Wayne had a mobile manicurist visit on Riley's birthday and do Riley's, GG's and Mommy's nails. Riley used ten different colors...fancy!

Sunday Roast at The Swan

Lyla's next boo boo...courtesy of the Melissa and Doug mailbox toy!

Riley & Gramps and more ice cream!

Beautiful view from the top of Broadway Tower

Vanna White

GG, Gramps, Daddy and Riley visited the Panto in Bristol and had dinner with Daddy's cousin and her family

Visiting Cirencester

Warwick Castle

Being goofy

Daddy's Girl

1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful visit...of course, David Hasselhoff in the Peter Pan Panto was fabulous--thanks Wayne and Shannon for the Christmas gift of tickets!!! The best part of the trip was just spending time with all of you...look forward to seeing you in the good old USA soon!
