Monday, July 1, 2013

Closing Out Another School Year!

The school year ended with lots of fun activities, performances and news!

Riley swam in her school's Swimming Gala, doing a great job with all of her strokes and in her Water Polo match!

That's Riley with the pink goggles!

Waving up at the fans!

She also performed at the Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts with her Singing Squirrels school choir and her Speech and Drama class. Her group won first place in the Drama competition and 2nd place for singing. Check out the video of her drama group below!

Riley also performed in her end of the year dance recital as a pirate. Looking good, matey!

Prettiest pirate that I've ever seen...

My very tall pirate!

Lyla starred as a Hornbill in the End of the Year Performance, singing along with her classmates! Riley was a wonderful narrator dressed in safari gear! They were both adorable!

Our little hornbill is second from the left!

Narrators on Safari

Both girls did wonderful in Sports Day, with Lyla winning two silver ribbons and Riley winning a gold and two bronzes. 

Lyla ready on the starting line!
Go Riley Go!

Riley is a sack race pro!

And the last day of school! What big girls they've become!

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