Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Visit to Harrogate

In June we took a weekend trip to Harrogate to see our friends Brad and Angela and their two cuties, Max and Reece. It was a very quick trip filled with ice cream, tent slumber parties, bike rides, and beautiful walks...what more can you ask for? Lyla and Max hit it off immediately and were best buds and Riley was a big helper with Reece. We even found time for some "rock climbing" at Brimham Rocks, a National Trust site with paths around giant, interesting rock formations. We also visited the Yorkshire Dales Ice Cream Farm, which I highly recommend to anyone in the area! They have a big outdoor playground and a fun American-style ice cream parlor/diner where we had lunch. But the best part of the ice cream farm is the barn they have that is filled with bales of hay to climb on, ropes to swing from and slides onto mattress lined floors covered with hay and filled with foam! Like a real life version of Wipeout! Harrogate was absolutely beautiful and it was so nice to relax with old friends! Brad and Angela have now headed back to Maryland and we can't wait to see them again when we move back next summer!

The kids exploring Brimham Rocks

Exploring high and low!

Reece and Angela climbed too!

Max and Riley playing peek a boo!

Beautiful views!

Stopping for a rest

Max and Reece at the Ice Cream Farm!

Riley doing a trust fall from pretty high up!
What a fun place!

Lyla and Daddy preferred to jump in!

The sun came out and we were able to visit the outdoor playground.

Being silly

Max pumping like a big boy!

Gorgeous views from the playground
Max led the way
Riley pushed Reece


Lyla found a horse

That view!
Imagine this guy was your neighbor!
Best buds!

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