Sunday, June 9, 2013

Pembrokeshire, Wales (Part II)

Pembrokeshire was so much fun that I couldn't fit it all in one blog post! Day #5 brought more sunshine and a trip to Bosherston to take a walk and check out the lily ponds.  Our walk led us to another beautiful beach, Broad Haven. We decided to set up camp and the kids spent a few hours playing in the water and exploring a cave. It was COLD but the kids swam'll notice our children are the only ones in the pictures in the water without wet suits!

The girls are ready for our walk!

Bosherston was beautiful!

Most of them are looking. Success!

The girls on Broad Haven Beach

Lyla walked back and forth making footprints in the sand.


I love this one of Neda and Elliott!

Some shenanigans were going on!

This is what the Brits in the water were wearing. No need for sunscreen!

After a wonderful day out, it was early to bed for the big day....Skomer Island! We had struck out a few times during the week since it was too windy for the ferry to run to the island. So we took no chances...only a few ferries are allowed to visit per day so our wonderful friend Ted ran to the ticket center at 6 am to make sure we got our tickets. Thanks Ted! The ferry ride was quick and easy and then we were in a place that surpassed all of our expectations...

Beautiful wildflowers were everywhere...
So we stopped for a family photo!

And another...

And another!

We checked out the beautiful cliffs...

Then it was time for PUFFINS!
What a view!

The puffins dig holes all over the island for their homes. There is a rope in certain spots to remind you to stay on the path so you don't accidentally step on a hole. We all took lots of pictures of this poor puffin, not realizing he was one of thousands we'd see, many much closer than this!
One puffin flew right by us!

I think those two are kissing...
Family photo opp!

Such a beautiful place!
 And then it was time for one more night of fun before our final morning in Wales. It was time to go home...but not before a few more group photos! What a fun week!

Posing outside of our beautiful cottage

Outside in the garden

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