Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Market Mania!

During our trip to Germany we became quite the Christmas Market experts! In the past, we had visited London's Winter Wonderland, the Cheltenham Christmas Market, Birmingham's Christmas Market, and Bury St Edmund's Christmas Fayre.

We headed to Germany the week before Christmas to meet up with GG, Gramps, Uncle Timmy and Emily. While we were there, we did some exploring of Germany and some exploring of Christmas markets! First up? Innsbruck, Austria! This market was the most picturesque we saw, with the gorgeous snow capped mountains in the background. There were tons of stalls selling food and rides for the kids, but not very much in terms of crafts or homemade items. We did notice that people were eating different foods at each of the markets and here we noticed that everyone was eating Kiachln, which we later learned were doughnuts laced with sauerkraut.

Riley found some sort of fried dough on a stick with chocolate!

Lyla tried one with cinnamon and sugar!

Posing with a very authentic Santa Claus who spoke no English!

Posing with the Christmas market and the mountains.

Group shot!

Uncle Timmy and Lyla goofing off

Waiting for some mini donuts for Lyla

Kiachln...which we later learned were donuts laced with sauerkraut

The girls found some space to run around

Wayne with the pretty awesome scenery

So pretty that Timmy and Emily needed to pose too!

Lyla found a ride she loved!

Riley found a beautiful horse to ride

Lyla and Uncle Timmy posing for the camera

Next up? Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany! This was a very small market in the town that we stayed in. It was quaint and authentic with a few food stalls, Gluhwein, a small carousel and some Christmas ornaments and crafts for sale.

Lyla loved the tea cups!

With a very large candy lace!

Gramps and Wayne bought some ornaments as souvenirs

Posing in beautiful downtown Garmisch

After that it was back to Austria to visit Salzburg! I had visited this city before while studying abroad and loved it and the return trip did not disappoint! This market was definitely my favorite, in part because it was huge and offered a great variety of food, drinks, crafts and gifts. It also took place in Cathedral Square, which was beautiful! There were not rides for the kids but we were able to explore some of the old city, which was beautiful and full of great shopping!


Riley found the sweet stall right away. Check out those giant gingerbread hearts!

She picked some kind of cake, disguised as ice cream instead!

Lyla "helped" Emily take some pictures!

She found the perfect wooden snake as a souvenir

GG and Riley posing in front of a toy stall

Pretzels of all shapes and sizes!

The super scary Christmas devil, Krampus. He is apparently a half-goat, half-demon beast who beats children into being good and kidnaps naughty children, leaving them in his lair in the underworld.  The girls were NOT fans.

Riley showing off her Nutcracker souvenir

Posing with their new, warm hats!

The market was beautifully laid out

Family photo opp

After Salzburg it was back to Germany to the city of Munich, where we were lucky enough to visit two markets! The first market was a short walk from our hotel and seemed to be mostly locals but was absolutely HUGE! It is called the Tollwood Winter Market and is held on the grounds where Oktoberfest takes place each fall. It had multiple tents with tons of gifts for sale--an art tent, a crafts tent and more! It is apparently known for being an international ethnic festival with gifts and food from all over the world. There were actual covered bars set up with seating to enjoy your gluhwein. It supposedly gets insanely crowded at night but we arrived before it opened and left in time for a late dinner at the Hoffbrauhaus and had no trouble finding seats under a  covered bar and chatting with plenty of friendly locals! There were lots of food stalls and plenty of space for the kids to run around but no rides for the kids.

The girls escaping from the rain for a stein of beer! Or pretending to! Notice the cute boot mug...the gluwhein at all of the markets comes in mugs with the name of the city and year. You pay a deposit, usually 2 euros, for the glass and can choose to return it for your money back or keep it as a souvenir!

Lyla wanted to take a picture of the red sculpture and these two guys photobombed!


The next day we visited the Christmas Market at the Marienplatz, which was much more touristy but offered good gifts and yummy food! This market spilled out onto the shopping streets and, while it didn't offer rides, it had lots of good food and gifts. This market is the oldest in Germany and is reported to date back to the 14th Century!

Timmy and Emily posing in Munich

Wayne and Lyla--all smiles!

The New Town Hall in Marienplatz

Riley watching and recording the Glockenspiel in Marienplatz. Every day at set times it chimes and reenacts a story for the crowds.

Riley with a very yummy crepe! 
Enjoying some nuts as the crowds rush by!

Family photo opp

The girls were obsessed with this street performer
Visiting a place is always fun but visiting during a Christmas market is the best! It was wonderful to be able to compare these various markets and we're already thinking about which ones we should visit next year. Any recommendations? What are your favorites?

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