Sunday, August 21, 2011

FAQ ( :

Figured tonight I would tackle some FAQ. ( : But I needed to start out with this adorable picture!

How's the weather?
It's been gorgeous since we've been here with nothing more than a 5 minute rain shower yesterday! We actually had to break out the sunscreen today! Good thing we brought the summer clothes!

Are the people nice?
Everywhere we go, people are so friendly! We met a really nice waiter tonight who went to school in the US and he gave the girls cute British flags.

Lyla played peek a boo with them!

An older woman also sat down with us today at lunch and spent 20 minutes talking to us. She was quite nice and really seemed interested in our adventure! People we meet on the street are very friendly, probably in part because Lyla yells "Hi!", "Hiiiiii!!!!!!" until they smile and answer! She also stalks any people with dogs...and there are lots of them!

Wayne's boss and his wife visited us today and we went for a walk and had lunch in a beautiful outdoor beer garden. I've never seen pubs with huge outdoor areas but this one had picnic tables, apple trees, a wonderful singer and lots of kids and dogs!

How's the food?
We actually hadn't eaten out until today. Before that we'd been cooking and the food was pretty familiar to us since they sell American brands at the commissary. Today we ate out for lunch and dinner and the food was okay. Wayne loved the food--very very meaty! The girls shared a "cheese and pickle" sandwich for lunch and wouldn't eat it (it was basically cheese crumbles on a huge hunk of bread...I guess they forgot the pickles?) I tried a hamburger but it tasted very odd...I'm told it's because the cows are grass fed. It's also true that they serve beer warm... must be an acquired taste! Yuck!

Is it what you expected?
We are staying in Prestbury, which is a suburb of Cheltenham. The Queens in me was very afraid of being so far from city center but it has turned out to be great! A super quaint town with thatched roof cottages and tons  of room for the girls to play.

Here's the Prestbury High Street.

They even have cute British phone booths!

Our cottage is across the street from a beautiful church with a very old cemetery that we read was haunted. Yikes! There's a path through the cemetery that takes us to High Street, which raised lots of questions for Riley. The oldest tombstone we saw was from the 1830s but there were a whole bunch that were too old to read.

What are your plans for the week?
Wayne starts work tomorrow and hopefully we'll be visiting the house we want and signing a lease! Stay tuned for updates tomorrow! The girls and I are planning to visit a local park as well. No big plans beyond tomorrow...trying to take it one day at a time! Thanks for all of your love and support! Cheers!


  1. Awwe love it!! Great post, I will stay tuned as I am bored out of my mind waiting for my foot to heal! LOL

  2. This is very good, keep up the good work. I miss you all. Try the fish!


  3. LOVE the pics -- keep them coming! : )
