Friday, August 19, 2011

We've Arrived!

After three weeks of sad good-byes, we've finally made it...but not without mishaps! ( : We could barely fit all of our suitcases in the shuttle to Dulles Airport and shortly after we arrived, a big storm rolled through. While it was short-lived, the storm delayed our boarding (which was scheduled for 7:00) to 7:30 because they lost power in the tunnel where you board the plane! We did get to see a great rainbow though! 

Boarding went smoothly but then the storm rolled back in and time crept by...we ended up sitting on the plane from 7:30 until 1 am, turning our trip into 12+ hours!!! Both girls were amazing and slept over 10 hours! So lucky! We were 6 hours late getting in, so the airport was empty. We took our time getting to immigration and when we got there there was literally nobody else in the room. We were through in 2 minutes and our bags were waiting on the belt. Tossed all 12 of them onto 2 luggage carts...Wayne pushed one, I pushed one and Riley pushed Lyla. Our driver picked us right up and the 2 hour drive was nice and everyone had a little nap time. We met our sponsors at the cottage we're staying in and Riley and Lyla played out back with the kids while we unloaded and went over paperwork and schedule for the weekend. We stayed in for dinner - our sponsors stocked the place with some stuff! Awesome! Lyla asked for night-night at 7 pm and Riley followed an hour later!

The cottage is adorable! Maybe we won't be in a rush to find a house after all!

There's a big field to play in and a little patio with a pond. Lyla loves to make kissy faces at the fish!

The cottage is "upside down" with the living room upstairs! It's got beautiful exposed beams throughout the English! ( :

Things are going well! Stay tuned for more updates!

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