Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Riley's Fall Term--Year 3

Riley started Year Three in the Prep School this year and what a busy year it's been! Here are some highlights!

She's learned to play field hockey.
A few of the girls getting ready to head off for their first match!

Riley's the one without the jacket...she's always hot!

Get it!
 She's made wonderful friends!
Riley at her friend Alexa's sleepover party

Why is she always the one posing?

It's fun to be 7!

At her friend Quinn's Halloween Birthday Party sporting her stripey tights.

Riley with her good friend Helena
Aweesome facepaint at Ben's party
She participated in her first Cross Country race. 
Riley and her friend Eva giggling at the starting line.

She's OBSESSED with playing pool.
Riley's school divides the kids in Year 3-Year 8 into three day houses and several boarding houses. The day pupils spend time in their house before class and after class each day, relaxing and spending time with their friends. This is a picture of one of the houses. Riley's house is set up similarly with a pool table, table tennis, table football, legos, crafts and lounge areas. Riley and her friends rush to their house each day to claim dibs on the pool table!

She learned to ski.

Day One of ski lessons in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Learning to slow down! By Day Two she had advanced to using the ski lift and coming down the big mountain!

Exhausted after a long day of skiing!

In her gear
She's become quite the writer!
"One day in South France...." 

And an illustration of course!
So far, Year Three has been fantastic! Riley is doing very well and, most importantly, is enjoying herself and loves going to school every day! Stay tuned for more updates for the Second Term!

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