Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmastime in Bavaria!

This Christmas season we were lucky enough to visit Germany to meet Wayne's parents and brother and sister in law for some exploring and celebrating. In addition to exploring the wonderful Christmas markets, we got to visit some of our favorite places in the area for a second time!

The girls were super excited to be heading to Germany! Lyla kept waiting for "blast off!"

We visited Partnach Gorge back in May of 2012 and LOVED it so this time we decided to go on a torchlit tour at night with Timmy and Emily while GG and Gramps watched the girls. It was totally different but no less spectacular! The gorge was icy but not completely frozen and the light bouncing off of the ice was gorgeous! Unfortunately, our pics do not do it justice because it was dark and slippery and we were trying not to set ourselves on fire with the giant torches! Trust me though....if you are in the area in the winter, do the night torch tour and visit during the day as well! I wouldn't recommend taking kids at night though...too dark, too icy and those torches are dangerous!

Those torches were pretty serious!

Timmy and Emily posing in the gorge

Wayne's torch is getting mighty low! After this point he had to walk in front of me because he accidentally, sort-of set my hair on fire!

Another of our favorite places from our 2012 visit was the beautiful and amazing Zugspitze, the highest mountain in Germany. We decided we needed to go back and show GG, Uncle Timmy and Aunt Emily how gorgeous the views were from way up there! We were lucky to have a clear day and enjoyed posing for photos, taking photos and sledding (dangerously close to the edge of a cliff) while we were up top.

So pretty

Gorgeous views

GG with wild hair!

I could never tire of this view!

Lyla found an animal to ride. (PS: I'm pretty sure this is not allowed)

Lyla and Daddy checking out the views

Too silly to pose for a nice picture!

Uncle Timmy losing control on his sled!

Watch your step!

You may have noticed that Riley isn't in any of these photos. She was at ski school, which you can read about here.
 While our main objective for this trip was to visit the Christmas Markets, it was great to visit two of our favorite places again and share them with GG, Gramps, Uncle Timmy and Aunt Emily! We had an amazing trip but now it was time to head back to England to celebrate Christmas UK-style!

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