Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Big Girls Don't Cry!

Ok...well maybe that's pushing it. While my girls still cry, they are getting incredibly big at an alarmingly fast speed. Need proof? See the pictures below. Riley is currently learning to ride a bike without stabilizers (aka training wheels) while Lyla learns to ride her balance trike. The process has been slow for Riley who continues to leap off the bike every time she gets scared.

Lyla yells "Ready, Steady, Go!" as Riley attempts to master her big girl bike!

Ready to roll!
I guess she doesn't quite need the helmet when she is crawling along at a snail's pace!

She's doing it!
Need another sign that Riley is getting too big? She has lost her first tooth! She notified us that it was "wobbly" (as they say here) and, 2 days later, out it came! She wrote an adorable little note for the Tooth Fairy so the Tooth Fairy felt compelled to write back AND leave a shiny two pound coin!

And, just when I thought they couldn't get any bigger, we visited Bourton-on-the-Water, a very cute, touristy Cotswold town. The town boasts a model village that is an exact miniature replica, even including a model of the model. Whoa! My two pretty girls were like giants in the miniature village. Adorable!

And when they weren't busy being giants, they were busy devouring ice cream and taking in the sites. Proof that they are still, in fact, my babies.


  1. Mmm, that ice cream looks yummy .... We've ben looking for somewhere good. Kate was having a really hard time without her training wheels so we took off her pedals to give her a chance to use her feet to get her balance. After a month or so, she took off within ten minutes of putting on her pedals. Good luck to Riley :)
