Thursday, May 3, 2012

A New York State of Mind

We made it to the Big Apple! On Thursday, April 5th, we arrived at JFK after a long and unrelaxing flight, during which Riley had a 103 fever and Lyla refused to sleep. Don't be jealous! We were so relieved to be in the US and see our friends and family that the jet lag didn't phase us too much (aside from the girls waking at 4 am for a few days. Ouch!) We spent Friday relaxing and nursing Riley back to health at GG and Gramps' house and then it was full steam ahead for a very busy trip home!!

On Saturday we visited Grammy & Pop, we've missed them!... and visited the Omega, our favorite diner around the block. My how we had missed chocolate chip pancakes, American bacon and grilled cheese (not all together of course!) Then it was back to GG and Gramps' for some egg dying fun with Uncle Craig and Aunt Karen, Uncle Timmy and Aunt Emily, Uncle Barry and Aunt Alice and Uncle Frankie and Aunt Fran. The highlight of the day was seeing Santino, who Wayne had never met...he confirmed that he is as cute in person as he is in pictures! Everyone enjoyed watching him eat a disgusting baby food puree and crawling all over the place...pregnant Aunt Fran crawling after him was pretty funny too!

A little under the weather but still smiling!

Baby Santino...aka Baby Tino (thanks to Lyla!)


Uncle Craig helped Lyla dye Easter eggs

Uncle Timmy and Emily....Happy Birthday Emily!

Lyla and Riley with Uncle Craig and Aunt Karen

Riley loves Aunt Fran!

Uncle Frankie and Baby Tino

Sisters! GG and Aunt Alice

The finished project!

Baby Tino with his Aunt Shannon

Serious face for Uncle Wayne

The girls enjoyed the egg dying (poor Lyla was dying eggs in water for most of the time!) and Mommy and Daddy enjoyed the pizza. Yum! Mommy was very relieved that there was no sweet corn in site... here the pizza often has corn on it...yuck!

On Easter Sunday we awoke early to find that the bunny had visited and left lots of yummy candy and fun treats. Since when does the bunny try to compete with Santa? Someone needs to send him a memo that Easter= jelly beans and chocolate. Capish? We then headed to church with the Schmidts where the girls enjoyed a fun Easter craft and an egg hunt (yep....that means more candy!)

Riley with the kids at Easter Service

Uncle Craig helped Lyla find some eggs

My favorite picture of Riley (with her loot!)

The Schmidts

After Church, we visited Grammy and Pop Pops and got more baskets full of treats. (How were we supposed to get all this on the plane again??) Then it was off to Aunt Julie and Uncle Neil's for some fun with Madeline, Jack, Nana, Grandpa, Grammy, Pop Pop, Uncle Joey, Uncle Craig and Harry. Wow! That's a crowd! It was beautiful outside and the girls enjoyed another egg hunt (more candy!!!) and some backetball fun and bubble blowing! Lyla got very tired and took a stand against her ponytail (yikes!) as evidenced in the red cheeked pictures below.

Riley & Lyla with Grammy & their treats

Hamming it up with Pop Pop!


Cousin Harry

Jack helped Lyla hunt for eggs.

Madeline helped too!

Cousins (Nice Lyla, really nice!)

We had lots of fun blowing bubbles!

Madeline made a yummy bunny cake!

Riley with Madeline, Jack and Peter Cottontail

Holy Hair Batman! Lyla snuggling up with Grammy!

Being silly


Monday meant more fun...the girls headed to a bounce place with GG and her friend Nancy (aka Fancy Nancy) and her granddaughter Cecelia. While they bounced like little bunnies, Mommy and Daddy snuck out to see a movie and have lunch. What a nice treat! On Monday night Mommy snuck out again with Aunt Fran, Aunt Julie and Aunt Manda for a yummy dinner and some catching up. She misses those girls!!

GG and the girls

Tuesday was declared Fun with the Summa Day and Uncle Dave took off for us. Wow! We headed to the LI Children's Museum and the girls had tons of fun with Bella (we must stop calling her Baby Bella already!) and Logan (who Daddy hadn't met yet either!) while Mommy and Daddy had fun with Uncle Dave and Aunt Manda. After the museum, we hit up Friendly's for some Hunka Chunka Peanut Butter Fudge ice cream (it's as good as it sounds!) and then headed back to play at Bella and Logan's house. Everyone had lots of fun and Logan showed off his awesome crawling skills. What a sweetheart!

Bella and Lyla jumping on the bed

Uncle Wayne finally meets Logan (apparently Lola missed him as well!)

What a good big cousin!

I have 10 pictures just like this and in each one somebody isn't looking. Silly!

Inside a giant bubble at the LI Children's Museum

My favorite pic!

Bella and Lyla prepared lunch for the cheetah (and Aunt Manda)...

While Riley waited...and waited...and waited...for the lizard in this cage to eat a bug.

Uncle Dave likes to build things. Bella is a chip off the old block! (Get it?)

Lyla would rather fly than build!

On Wednesday we headed into Manhattan with GG and Gramps to check out Uncle Timmy and Aunt Emily's new apartment. It was awesome! We especially loved the balcony...although Lyla was a little too comfortable out there! We had such a fun time exploring an amazing local park with Uncle Timmy and then we all headed to a wonderful German restaurant nearby (practicing for our trip to Garmisch in June!) It was a great night...we love NY!

Cool view from Uncle Timmy's balcony

Very cool pic!

Daddy posing with some street art

The coolest park ever

Riley liked to chase the pigeons

Awesome walking path

Great view

There was even a playground! Riley enjoyed trying out the handicapped swing.

While Lyla rode a pony. ( :

She swung on the big girls swings!
What a fun start to our trip! Next stop: 2 days in Baltimore to see some special friends and visit the pediatrician! Shots and Giggles...hear we come!

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