Thursday, May 3, 2012

Welcome to Baltimore, Hon!

We love Baltimore! Such a great city full of interesting places to see and wonderful people! I typed in this post title (Welcome to Baltimore, Hon!) and found it has it's own website...feel free to check it out if you would like to brush up on your Baltimore lingo!

One of our favorite things about Baltimore is that it is only 4 short hours away from NY (3.5 on a really good day)! We headed down on Thursday morning with a borrowed car (thanks GG and Gramps!) and loads of leftover Easter candy. Yum! The girls slept most of the way and were very excited when we finally arrived! The trip was full of amazing friends and fun....Riley had 2 nights of sleepovers with Claire, a running hug reunion with Isabel, and a trip down memory lane with Jackson, Kathlyn and Callan, not to mention two giant playdates with Stella, Eva, Alex and Meredith. Lyla reunited with her friend Alec and he was no longer scared of her! Baby steps! She also found out that Summer and Copely had grown up since she's seen them and made great playmates! ( : It was amazing to realize how much Lyla has grown...she was able to go play downstairs with the big kids and navigate the giant slide all on her own! Both girls were excited about a trip to Uncle Wiggly's for their favorite ice cream...even if it was to reward them for a visit to the pediatrician! Lyla actually handled her shots like a pro, surprising us all! She is one tough cookie! Mommy and Daddy had a blast is so nice seeing old friends and being reminded that we have so much to look forward to after this three year adventure!

It was a bittersweet good-bye on Saturday morning and we are all looking forward to another visit in August!

Uncle Wiggly's Moose Tracks...yum!

Lyla and Claire chow down!

Hanging with Kathlyn and Jackson

Riley and Claire

Sisters! Eva and Maria

Being silly 

Riley, Maria, Claire and Eva

Lyla asked Wayne for his keys and tried to let herself into the shed

Lyla thinks Copeley is her own personal baby doll! She was feeding her all bonking her in the head to get her attention, and then shoving the food into her mouth. She didn't learn that from me!

Elena and Lori

Stella and Bliss

Summer's getting so big!

Just a regular Friday night in Anneslie!

Lyla and Alec conspiring


Snuggles! (Lyla, Meredith, Claire and Riley)

Tickle time! Alec, Lyla, Claire, Meredith, Maria and Riley get in on the fun!


Girls night!

Counting down the days until August!

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