Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Summa Visit--Bath

The Summa's visit prompted another first for us...a visit to Bath! Uncle Dave braved some more driving on the other side of the road and we all piled into two cars for the hour long ride to this very cool city! We arrived and ignored the snowflakes falling and freezing temperatures and headed straight for the Roman Baths.

Logan spent some time getting acquainted with the reading material while Mommy & Daddy paid.
Riley and Aunt Manda

Wanna go for a dip?

Riley stuck her finger hasn't fallen off yet!

Family portrait

Bella would only smile with Riley...

So here is Logan pretending to be an only child!
After the Baths, we headed out to find lunch and then stopped by the Fashion Museum for some fun. It turned out it was a fun add-on activity and the girls enjoyed trying on Victorian costumes but the museum is very small and doesn't take more than about an hour to explore. 

The pretty streets of Bath

Dressing up in Victorian clothes at the Fashion Museum
And before our visit to Bath could be complete, Aunt Manda HAD to stop into the Jane Austen Centre for a visit. I think it was this guy who convinced her...

Aunt Manda was very happy!

The girls liked it too!
After a long, fun-filled day, it was time to bid farewell to Bath...until next time (hopefully when it's warmer!)

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