Sunday, April 21, 2013

Summa Visit--Disneyland Paris!

Our first full day in Paris was the day the kids (okay...and maybe me!) had been waiting for--Disneyland Paris! We were up and on the go early, taking the metro to the RER train to Disney's doorstep. It was a very easy journey that takes you right to the entrance to Disney. It was cold but sunny...hence the endless squinting in the pictures!

 We took some pictures in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle...

 Went on some rides...

Met some characters...

Enjoyed the parade...

Went on some more rides...

And watched the Disney Dreams Firework/Light show (which was amazing)!

Then it was time for a sleepy train ride home. The kids loved Disneyland Paris and are requesting a return visit ASAP! Definitely smaller than Disney World but plenty to see and do...maybe a long weekend when it's a little bit warmer? Until revoir Mickey!

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