Thursday, April 4, 2013

Summa Visit--Paris, Part I

Up next...the main event...PARIS! We awoke very early and took the Eurostar train from London to Paris' Gare du Nord station. Note to families travelling through there: Elevators/lifts are NOWHERE to be found, especially when you forget that the French word for elevator is ascenseur. Oops! Escalators with kids, pack and plays, strollers and suitcases are not fun! After a somewhat stressful time finding our way around the train station, we finally arrived at our appartement, which was beautiful and surprisingly spacious!

Our salon

Bella and Riley's chambre

Lyla has her own mini-bed on the floor. Perfect!

Posing on the balcony

Excited about her Eiffel Tower shirt...thanks Aunt Julie!

Riley & Logan couldn't get enough of each other!

After settling in, we went on a walk and discovered a fun playground and a nice grocery store. 

Bella loved the playground!

So did Logan!

Then it was a quiet night of French cartoons and some much deserved wine.

They didn't even mind that they couldn't understand what was happening on tv...

And then it was goodnight until the morning, when it would be time to head to Disneyland Paris! Bonsoir!

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