Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The. Perfect. Day. The weather looked crummy in the morning so we decided to stick close to home and started the day with a trip to the playground, part of a movie in the hotel lobby and the lunch buffet. The girls were now completely happy and worn out so it was back to the cabin for an early afternoon nap. Wayne and Riley headed back to the pool while Lyla caught up on her sleep and then we all headed down to the town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen (where we are staying) to check out the beautiful town and yummy gelato. We also stocked on some fun activities for our time at the cabin, including bubbles, chalk, a jump rope and water guns.  Everyone was so full that we skipped dinner and headed back to the cabin where we met our neighbors, a family from England whose Dad was a doctor stationed in Germany. They have a little girl Ella who is 7 and a boy Charlie who is 5. Riley had fun at the playground with them and playing Frisbee under the mountains. While Riley was off playing with her new friends (who she has requested to be pen pals with), Daddy and Lyla had a water gun fight and Lyla showed off her many talents for Mommy and Daddy. I think she enjoyed having us all to herself! We got to hear Riley’s full-on British accent while she was playing with Ella, which is unusual since she usually reserves it for school. I will have to try to get video because it is adorable how she can switch it on and off! I understood why she switched it on when I overheard Ella telling Riley that her Mom talked funny…hey! Both girls stayed up way late and will hopefully rest up tonight for our adventures tomorrow!

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