Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Where's the King?

Guten tag! This morning we awoke to rain and decided to go ahead as planned with our Neuschwanstein Castle adventure! We got up and fed and dressed and, after a few games of Hide and Seek outside (see the cabin was a good choice!), we loaded up the GPS and drove to find Neuswanstein Castle, built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. We were a little scared when we drove up to find it covered in scaffolding (WHAT??) but proceeded on and purchased our tour tickets. Rather than hike up the mountain in the rain, we hitched a ride on a horse and carriage , which Lyla loved while Riley was very concerned for the horses. The driver only spoke German and continually shouted directions at us even though we had no idea what was going on. Hmm…maybe we should’ve downloaded a translator app? Lyla also made friends with some old German men who were our carriage-mates who continued to talk to her in German. I think her smiles were misinterpreted as understanding. We walked the rest of the way to the castle and enjoyed the gorgeous views. 

See the silly face Riley is making?

Like father, like daughter!

The castle itself was magnificent and was the inspiration for Disney's Sleeping Beauty castle. The tour was great and we met two wonderful older women who had been friends since university in Australia years ago. One now lived in Australia and the other in Southern Spain. It was great to see such great old friends on holiday together…made me think of some special people I can’t wait to holiday with when we’re old and gray! It will be like backpacking in college again…only this time with a bigger budget (I hope!)

The highlight of the tour was definitely Lyla loudly questioning the guide, “Where’s the King?” which got a large laugh from the crowd. Riley especially liked the pretend swans throughout the tour (Lyla was trying to feed them) and I loved the amazing mosaic tiled floor in the throne room. Over 2 million tiles! Wayne loved the detail of the carvings above the King’s bed…it took 14 men 4 years to perfect the hand carvings! The tour was awesome but you may notice no pictures from inside the was forbidden. Boo! I have managed to borrow some I found online though.

The mosaic floor

Lyla got a wooden sword that she LOVES

Right about when Mommy and Daddy realized their mistake. Moments later the sword was confiscated.

Things were going so well that we decided to push it with a short hike to St Mary’s Bridge, a small bridge suspended high in the air between the mountains and above a creek. Riley was afraid but we pressured her into coming across with us! Unfortunately, our camera died right about now but we got a few decent pictures on the iphone. Pretty cool, huh?

View of St Mary's bridge from the castle. Scary!

Neuschwanstein Castle

The view of Hohenschwangau Castle (the King's summer home)
Everyone was starving by now so we took the bus back down the mountain and headed to a German restaurant for an authentic German lunch. Yummy food and delicious beer. Can’t beat it! Then it was back to the cabin for a swim in the hotel pool and dinner in an American restaurant, complete with nachos. Perfect day! Lyla even kept her promise and slept in the loft…I decided to play a different strategy and allow talking and singing as long as everyone stayed on their mattresses and it worked. Hooray!

Trying a Spezi (coke and orange soda)



  1. Wow, that castle is amazing!! The picture of the bridge from the castle really puts it into perspective!

  2. I hope the beer in Germany was nice and cold!!
