Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I know I just told you that Partnach Gorge was one of my favorite places on Earth, but now I need to add one more stop in Germany to that list. We were lucky enough to have a nice, clear day to visit the Zugspitze, the highest mountain in Germany at 2,962 meters above sea level. The border of Austria and Germany actually runs along the top and we were able to cross over into both countries at the top. We took a cable car up to the top of the mountain. It was a gorgeous and terrifying ride and makes you seriously wonder how people made it up this mountain back in 1820. Incredible. We looked around at the top of the mountain, where it was super windy, took some gorgeous pictures, and then headed inside to enjoy some hot chocolate in a glass restaurant with gorgeous views. Afterwards, we took the cable car down to a lower level, called the Zugspitzplatt, where we were able to do some sledding and play in the snow. It was nice and sunny for the most part, with the girls and Daddy getting a sunburn! Lyla loved playing in the snow/eating the snow...We didn't get more than a dusting in England this year and I don't think she remembers the giant storms from the year she was born in Baltimore! We all tried sledding, which was very fun going down and very exhausting walking back up the hill with the sled after each run! It did eventually get cloudy and drizzle on us so we headed back down the mountain via a VERY crowded train. It was truly a gorgeous excursion...I definitely want to go back and ski in the area before we leave Europe!

Views of Lake Aibsee from the cable car ride up

It was windy at the top!

So amazing!

The highest point in Germany

On top of the world!

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