Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Must Visit! Partnach Gorge

One of my favorite things that we did in Germany was hike to Partnach Gorge. We parked at the site of the 1936 Olympic Ski Jump and then walked up to the gorge, checking out the goats grazing by the river along the way. We paid a very small admission fee to walk through the gorge during opening hours but, outside of those hours, you can visit at your own risk. The gorge in the winter is supposed to be covered in icicles and be amazing, if not slightly dangerous. Many people do nighttime tours with flashlights which is supposed to be beautiful. We were impressed by the Springtime views but would love to return back in the Winter...it was definitely added to the short list of my favorite places of all time. Absolutely beautiful! We read several reviews that suggested that the path wasn't safe for kids but the girls did okay holding our hands. There were several beautiful paths you could hike beyond the gorge but we didn't make it very far before turning back to enjoy lunch in a restaurant we had spotted on the walk there. Next time!

Olympic Ski Jump Stadium

Can you spot the goats?

Prost! Cheers to a fun day!

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